Changes a'coming...

In 2006, just after Morning Glass had moved from a wee shed to a slightly bigger one, Freya was born and I became a part-time glass worker. Happy Mondays were initiated, partly to help with childcare, and partly to ensure that we got to see our kids grow up. At first there were backpack walks, then trips on the train, walks in the woods, bike rides in the rain. Finn joined in, Freya headed off to school and the Happy Mondays became Wednesdays. Sometimes Wednesdays ended up being trips to the supermarket days, but only so Saturdays didn't. Jo also works part time, and between us we juggle kids, days, trips and commitments like every other family.

I mean, would you rather climb a hill with this pair or head off to work...?

As of next week, Finn will also be livening up Alford Primary School. Wednesdays are just not going to be the same.

The main change (for me, not for Finn - he'll be having a blast with his mates and learning to read, write and play football from people who actually care about the game)  is that, for the first time in 7 years, I'll be back at work 5 days a week. As anybody who follows me on Twitter knows, things in the studio have got a bit hectic and we have a bit of a backlog.

It's been a blast, and it's good to be back... 


NewsGordon Watt