Sculptural Glass Work at SSW

We've finally been able to make a start on the Haven Stonehaven Sculpture this month, and the steel frames are now complete and heading for their powder coat finish next week. Once I've had a chance to check the final fitting sizes into the frame, I'll be over at Lumsden over the next few weeks with Gabi, casting the sheet glass.

I've also been getting involved with a few other glass-related projects at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop Last Friday, I had an artist from SSW pop in to fit some lenses into a bronze sculpture. We had decided that fitting the lenses into lead would give the polished, optical quality glass a bit of suspension. By opening up the lead on one side, the outer flange of lead gives a neat, unobtrusive border which holds the lens tightly without any additional adhesive. The back of the lead will be soldered into the bronze hole with a fillet.