Domestic Stained Glass of Aberdeen

I must admit that, at times, I get some strange looks walking down a street photographing front doors. Fairly understandable really I guess... I'm not casing the joint, however, instead I'm slowly gathering a trove of images depicting gilded signage and stained glass in Aberdeen, inspired by Aaron Draplin and his ongoing love-affair with American signage and lettering.

Initially I started taking the images to act as a reference file - a pattern book I could use to develop "period-correct" (whatever that means in the evolving street-scapes of a busy city) designs for new windows. However, as more and more houses lose their original glass to "decorative glass", faux-etched glass decals and stick-on vinyl numbers in massively oversized Arial, it's obvious that this collection contains images of craftmanship that need to be celebrated not for being old, but for being lovely...